Saturday, September 30, 2006

Being numb and dumb: Revision AA

Hello people! As I am writing this, I ponder upon the wonderful days of the past wherein some of us used to stay in touch with each other regularly. Days when we used to yap about anything & anyone, as if it was a normal routine of our system. Talks which we used to cherish, the discussions and phone calls which we used to make endlessly and friendly secrets that gave a childish flavor to us.

Now, as we "progress" ahead with our "tasks" in our lives, a lot of things occupy our minds..With the first quarter of our lives getting over in a heartbeat, we plan to make the next quarter the most fruitful part of our lives; not that the first quarter hasn't been special. Think about it: Successes, failures, friendships, relations, accomplishments,losses, accumulated memories, disasters around our world, wars, science & technology, funny moments and so many events have occured in our first quarter. Mathematically, the first quarter has left us with indeed infinite number of memories, experiences and lessons. It's like a gigantic solution space with lots of solutions in response to tons of problems which were encountered. Three cheers to the first quarter of our lives ! Everything is stored in the memory of our mind, however, only a part of it retained & absorbed. The rest of it doesn't get forgotten either, it just goes into a state of non-regular attention, which when left unattended might go into the state of "rarely used activity/action/observation".

As we grow, new events occupy this already populated mind and replace the existing events/solutions&problems with newer ones. Priorities change. Perceptions change. Attitudes change. The "library" of our mind grows and a lot of existing thoughts change the priority line with the new ones.

The surprising thing is that we don't even realize this, until we write a piece of crappy blog like this. I am suprised, at the same time a little numb, are you?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Bachpan ke dost-log !!

Some of our childhood friends hold a special place in lives. They bring a sense of nostalgia and delight. The same kind of delight when a child wins a snake & ladder game or when he/she successfully manages to get a mango from a tall tree or when a smart catch is made in hide & seek game ! About 15 years ago there was no internet access, cell phones were rare and even land-lines weren't that common. There have been some friends who have been lost for a long time. But now Internet has connected all of us so brilliantly ! Thanks to the internet, I was able to find one of such friends...It was simply great to see her back after so many years. All the school memories, those great teachers (some not so great !), those peons, those "bhel-walas", those great canteen vada pavs, those recess rings, pakda-pakdee games, science-quiz and numerous pranks :) will always have a special place in all our hearts 'cos they are so ineffably lovely. Hopefully long-lost friends will be found and once again become an integral part of our lives in some way or the other !

Cheers! :))