The Purity Quotient: Who's got how much??

This does matter, big time.
We were once all peaceful and pure, but what does being pure mean, and how did we act? Impurities are chains that make us soo senseless that we become ignorant, unconcious and lazy. PURITY sets us free. It gives us the key to Knowledge, Peace, Happiness, Power and the Ultimate Force.
PURITY is so precious, so rare, so powerful, we have to die for it. We have to destroy the old self, the old vices that are so much part of us; anger, greed, attachment, infatuation, ego to name a few...PURITY's light is such that we are not confined by boundaries of color, sex, race, religion, etc. but we can see far beyond and experience each and every human as a genuine friend. Its might is such that nothing can shake us, its light is the one which will be the brightest.
this is a.
indeed of the.
Siddharth Adelkar, at 2:16 AM
tumhara comments samaj main nahin aaya siddhu..kiska style hai yeh? ;)
Chinu-fish, at 12:08 PM
While conscience is our friend, all is at peace; however once it is offended, farewell to a tranquil mind. ~ Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
SAL, at 12:44 PM
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