Why did you leave?

Just another Simple free style poem :)..
You have been the most graceful person, ever since I came into this world,
You taught me to come out of every troubled situation and cold,
The lessons I learned from you were to laugh, give and love,
Everything you did were a class, everyone else's above,
You were our savior whenever there was any turmoil,
You took control of everything and never let our sadness pile,
Things you always sacrificed unconditionally made perfect sense of how to live,
That's why it was always so easy for us, in you, to believe
You will be an eternal smile in face of difficulties,
Because of you, we will create sense out of difficulties,
Your touch was the gentlest I could ever get,
I hope your teachings will never let us your valuable lessons forget,
And I am glad to write this for you, for you deserved a lot better than life,
This life is dedicated to you for you will help us erase every strife,
All I need to say is thank you in the sincerest sense,
May we never lose hope and smile in your ever-lasting presence.
vow this really great man
Siddharth Adelkar, at 6:07 PM
Thanks Siddarth.
Chinu-fish, at 8:50 PM
This is a... (Adel style ;))
My mother is a poem
I'll never be able to write,
though everything I write
is a poem to my mother.
~Sharon Doubiago
SAL, at 12:41 AM
It is dedicated to all the Mothers.
Chinu-fish, at 6:52 AM
hey Gokul, superb blog..!!
Nikhil Sane, at 11:42 AM
Wow dude, great poem! kudoz!
Ashley, at 12:04 AM
28112, at 4:22 PM
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