Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Are you ready..?

Let the game begin:

Waiting for the pinnacle, only to be shattered again and again,
Waiting for the real dream to come, only to be thrashed everywhere,

This is indeed getting an ordeal, but nothing seems to be sweeter than pain,
And the the best company seems to be myself,

As I wait and watch the next series of ravaging blows come to face,
Planning how to escape 'em and how to deal with 'em if encountered,

Will always be happy to give you that extra nail to pin inside this mortal body,
Let the new game begin, I am ready for your attack, ready to be attacked;

Walking down the road with unstoppable energy,
If you got 10 million tons of pain to offer, I'm ready for 1 more to take:)

Come satisfy your hunger, come and eat away all my visions, I'll have new ones!
Come and try to scare me, you will realise that you are the one whose most scared,

Come and try to look into my eyes, you'll realise that you have balls less than me !

Friday, April 21, 2006

Why did you leave?

Just another Simple free style poem :)..

You have been the most graceful person, ever since I came into this world,
You taught me to come out of every troubled situation and cold,

The lessons I learned from you were to laugh, give and love,
Everything you did were a class, everyone else's above,

You were our savior whenever there was any turmoil,
You took control of everything and never let our sadness pile,

Things you always sacrificed unconditionally made perfect sense of how to live,
That's why it was always so easy for us, in you, to believe

You will be an eternal smile in face of difficulties,
Because of you, we will create sense out of difficulties,

Your touch was the gentlest I could ever get,
I hope your teachings will never let us your valuable lessons forget,

And I am glad to write this for you, for you deserved a lot better than life,
This life is dedicated to you for you will help us erase every strife,

All I need to say is thank you in the sincerest sense,
May we never lose hope and smile in your ever-lasting presence.

The Purity Quotient: Who's got how much??

This does matter, big time.

We were once all peaceful and pure, but what does being pure mean, and how did we act? Impurities are chains that make us soo senseless that we become ignorant, unconcious and lazy. PURITY sets us free. It gives us the key to Knowledge, Peace, Happiness, Power and the Ultimate Force.

PURITY is so precious, so rare, so powerful, we have to die for it. We have to destroy the old self, the old vices that are so much part of us; anger, greed, attachment, infatuation, ego to name a few...PURITY's light is such that we are not confined by boundaries of color, sex, race, religion, etc. but we can see far beyond and experience each and every human as a genuine friend. Its might is such that nothing can shake us, its light is the one which will be the brightest.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Love it easy

Learn and Go up in life

Recently, we discovered that it'll be a lot better if we had "love" education, just like sex education in school/college days. We should have a seminar or a short 2 credit-hour course dedicated to this and it should be mandatory core-course. This course-work will be dedicated to teach young-naive people about the distinction between "Good" Friendship, Admiration and "Love" (only in Heterosexual terms). Two exams could be possibly held with bi-weekly practical assigments and a mid-term project.

Falling in love is a very complicated thing; many including me are still trying to figure out what it means. Getting out of it is another challenging proposition. So fall in love (according to what you define love as) only if you can easily get out of it. Orkut groups like "kuch khone ke liye kuch paana padta hai" tries to explain this using varying topics of discussion, ranging from childhood memories to WWF (note: many things in that community might seem irrelevant or unrelated, but in the end the true realization will dawn upon us).

The main focus of this couse-work will be to impart discipline to our thought process and anti-stress mechanisms (for stress caused by purely 1-sided love).

Any comments or feedback are welcome. Let's make this happen and liberate ourselves from the danger of falling in love, when we can't afford to.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another Terrific Day

Well, the season seems to get beautiful day by day. Great sunshine to start with, awesome weather, slow day at work though. This kind of day makes me wanna reiterate on behalf of all of us that a great morning leads a great day ahead. Hope this enthusiasm and energy keeps on spreadin', credit to the glorious morning Sunshine. Thank you Sunshine !!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Sing Sing Sing.....

Sing a song:
To sing is to show your enthusiasm,
To sing is to let out your trapped voice
To sing is to leave your worries behind,
To sing is to show love for something,
To sing is to kick your shyness,
To sing is to entertain yourself....
So no matter how your voice is, don't forget to sing, 'cos it'll surely make someone laugh or mesmerised or make them wanna mock you (neverthless you are a source of laughter !! ha ha ).........And if you forget the words, then do remember that there'll always be a friend to remind you the words :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Canal Square: Welcome to Apt#367

Woke up an hour ago and feel very quiet today. There's a cool water fountain just in front of our apartment below...our apartment has this beautiful canal view. Our apartment is way far away from the street, undisturbed by the noise of vehicles. Just the sound of water gushing in and out. Reminds of some serene trekking place of Sahyadris with waterfall :) People love to walk in this place. During summer, it's even beautiful, 'cos people play church-music, offer prayers, get married just near the same fountain. It's truly amazing that presence of water makes your surroundings transform into a super-lively-bright place. What I love the most is that there are ducks and geese that swim in the canal and people let their dogs into the canal for their dogs to play with ''s real fun seeing the dogs swimming after those ducks/geese and chasing 'em. Just feel fortunate to have this apt, 'cos it makes your morning wonderful !

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Inspiration to live and be great

It's very easy and tempting to get carried away by emotions, especially when everything seems to be lost in this world. At that very moment lies the true test of how brave we are, how sensible we are to control the negativities within and around us. Once we take charge of our untamed emotions, we get out of the unreal world of false hopes & fears. We then truly stand on our own feet, firmly grounded, with our chest held high with purpose and our head at its steadiest. After this, we seek discipline with which we move ahead. Discipline the most luxurious vehicle, yet under-rated. With an unshakeable attitude, wisdom, knowledge and application, life does seem to be extremely worth living. God is one form of discipline. Incorporate God in life and cherish each and every effort in your path. Accept what's offered on plate. Ask not why it happened, know why it happened. The only way to sustain momentum is to keep the motivation clear all the time. Keep it pasted on your forehead, on your palms, all over the body so that you live for that motivation, live with that motivation :) .
Abstain completly from unwanted, impure, unhealthy substances, irrespective of "what I did in the past or what an ass I was in the past". Help others whenever you feel that you can afford to do so. Never lose an opportunity to help sincerely needy people. Help yourself by never being too harsh or critical to yourself or wonderful people around you. Whether you win or lose, never forget to give a whole hearted laugh :) .Earn money for the wise reasons and never get lost in the materialistic race. This seems to be one of the cool mantras for life. This is the real inspiration in itself.

Song birds

Song-Birds are special birds of Spring season..their voice is amongst the sweetest offered by mother nature. They are so unique. As the new buds and leaves branch out from plants and trees, these wonderful birds get busy to plan nesting. I was walking down the street last week with my mp3 player on and yet I could hear the beautiful chirp of birds on trees. I stopped my player, undid my ear phones and quietly started observing the gifts of nature. Birds of great color combinations which which might have surely inspired MAN to start music from early existing days. The sounds are truly melodious, which along with the gorgeous morning sunshine makes life bright and optimistic.

Thoughts on a Merciful day


To the world, the murderer condemned to die has no mercy. To the murderer, the world has no mercy; and so the long, strong chain of man's inhumanity to man continues. It is the story of man judging his fellow-men and extracting what he thinks is the price to be paid for an action..non-action. There is awalys a price to pay.

Nowadays, it is felt by some people that to show mercy is a sign of weakness in character. Not true. Rather it is a sign of great strength, vision and wisdom. To be merciful is to show accurate understanding of the situations in life which go way beyond the fact and evidences as they are presented visibly.

To be merciful (in any situation, however small or big) indicates an elevated consciousness, so high, that inspite of disparities and overwhelming negative temptations, we can have the strength to say: I understand and forgive. Let's walk on.

You pick the winner :))

Two Wolves:- (taken from an old story...)

Once upon a time, in a beautiful village, a small boy asked his wise old grandfather: "Why do people always fight amongst themselves?" The granfather replied: "Because they tame different wolves in their bodies"...the little boy was which the grandfather immediately replied: "Son, there are 2 types of wolf inside my heart. One is the wild, dangerous, cruel, greedy, aimless, bhooka-bhediya types and the other being calm, loving, kind, friendly and wise. These two always fight between themselves" which the boy asked:"So, which one is winning, or which normally wins??"...the wise man replied: "The one which I feed wins"..the little boy gave a wonderful smile and made a promise to feed the wise wolf always, no matter what his surroundings offered.

Three cheers to Potatoes

Potatoes have been always been a life-saver in starvation periods. When out of grocery, potatoes never let us down. We have so many options: Simple curry, Pav-bhaji, boiled potato, mashed potatoes, hash browns, etc..Potatoes remind me of good ol' days , when in winter, we all friends used to light up a small fire and roast potatoes whilst warming ourselves from the cold after playing badminton or volleyball.
Bhel puris have a special relation with potatoes, they mix so well with each other in terms of taste. Other chats & snacks that use the taste of potatoes are Ragda patties, Alu-paratha etc..I wish we made these dishes regularly :) ..and who can forget the lays chips ! as I end this, I make a list of grocery with potatoes leading the list...I am outta potatoes in kitchen and I am satisfying my appetite with this blog.
Long live Potatoes !


Just a simple poem by me:

Take peace, take peace, It's not for sale or on lease,
It's just a way to live And make everyone's dreams achieve,
Take peace, take peace, It's what the cold is to fleece,
It's a door to all "ships", including the biggest of 'em all called "Friendship" ...
Take peace, take peace, It's not just a notion gees!
It's a reality that'll remove a face's crease,
Make peace, make peaceLive and let live without breaking a single heart in piece
Try and get addicted to Peace!